Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th was Moldova's 5th(?) annual wine festival. They close off a section of the main Blvd. and set up tents and booths for wine makers. People go around to different tents and try different wines from 10 in the morning until 10 at night. Some tents give free tastings at others you just buy a bottle and sit and drink it in tent, in the street, or in the park(we did all of the above). Our groups went in around 11am on Sunday and didn't leave until about 8:30 pm...9 hours of solid drinking. Now, I am not one to normally drink as I hate being hungover and I only like beer, but this didn't stop me. By noon a few of us had already finished off 3 bottles and were going for more. You may think this was an expensive day, buying bottle after bottle, but no bottle was over $3, the really good stuff was maybe $5...I think I spent $1.75 the whole day for a lot of wine, my lunch was more expensive than what I drank, $2.25. At one tent we were at we got to try to the different stages of wine. We tried the Must(pronounced moost) which is the point where the grapes are starting to ferment and create wine, at this point it is very sweet, almost like juice, but if you drink more than one glass you will be in the veceu(outhouse). We also got to try it in the stage between must and between wine, also pretty sweet, but not as gassy as the must. At one point in the afternoon there was about 15 of us sitting around some tables and there was always at least 10 bottles on the table. When it started to get dark there was music in the streets and we began to dance. Some locals danced with us and tried to teach us the Hora (the national dance). All in all it was a great day!!!