Thursday, February 22, 2007

Origami = Instant Friends

Do you remember back in elementry school and middle school when you used to make those paper fortune tellers? The one with the colors on the outside and numbers on the inside. Well for some reason I thought about them last week and decided to make one. As I began to fold the paper that would be my future fortune teller the group of kids huddled around me grew. They were all wondering what the crazy American was up to now. When I finished folding they all were amazed by the way and it moved. They were confused when I started writting colors, numbers and fortunes on the thing. They thought I was defacing the beuaty of the paper sculpture. But it was when I showed them how to use that I went down in history, well theirs anyways. I will forever be remembered as the Amercian that folded paper. Ever since showing a couple kids how to make and use them last week I have had the most friends ever! (Granted they are all around 10 y.o., it still counts as friends). I have new kids coming up to me every day asking how to make them. It is awesome!

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