Thursday, March 29, 2007

What have I been up to?

Hmmm, what have I been up to? Not a whole lot! I have complained to a few about my lack of activities and my work as a secretary but lately that has begn to change. Maybe because my program manager came to talk with me and my counterpart and we sat down and actually defined my role. And for some reason it didn't include typing and making xerox copies. since Tuesday, when she came, I have much. Yesterday we went to another village to conduct trainings for girls there about human trafficking. It was interesting, I guess. And then today I tried to start my art class but only three kids showed up and two of them had to leave after 15 minutes. Not off to a good start. Buy hey, I still have 19 and a half months, right?

But on a really good note I did eat a little piece of heaven last night. My wonderful and loving boyfriend sent me a bottle of syrup (it doesn't exist here). Last night my host mom made pancakes, a weekly dinner for us, and instead of eating them with the usual jam or jam with peanut butter, I ate them with PB and syrup. Oh my goodness!!!! It was amazing! My host mom tried some on a pancake, without PB, and loved it also. But she can't figure out how we can have syrup that isn't from fruit. I tried to explain about trees and sap but she didn't understand. It was even harder to explain when I read the ingredients and trying to explain corn syrup, you know I like the fake syrup better then the real stuff. But I do have a favor to ask, more like a plea. I am down to my last half a jar of peanut butter and need reinforcements. If anyone is even thinking about sending a package, please, please, please include a jar of peanut butter (and maybe a couple frisbees if possible). You are wonderful!

Other than trying to start some type of work, I have just been enjoying our wonderful weather! We have had sun every day his month except for three days when it stormed here. It has been so great to be able to run outside in the sun, especially now that it is light later (we just had our daylight savings this past weekend). I really love it here in Moldova!

1 comment:

Melissajo said...

Hey Jen! I love reading your posts! I can't believe it's been so long since I came to your site... I got super wrapped up with school. So I had to catch up and read a bunch. I liked your description of going to the pool. Crazy. Thanks for the postcard too =) I have been meaning to send you the fruit leathers that have been sitting on my counter for ages... I just moved to, so I'll have to find them again!!

Have fun!!!


PS. Jamie likes the fake syrup too =) I like grade B maple! (and butter flavored fake syrup too...)