Saturday, November 18, 2006

Goodbyes, a Ceremony, and Welcomings

I am now a volunteer!!!! I have been learning, teaching, struggling, succeeding, crying,and laughing the past two months for this moment. It was tough to say goodbye to my host family in Ialoveni. I left them on Wednesday morning to spend the day practising for our swearing-in ceremony on Thursday. It was sad, but luckily they only live two hours away and I can visit. Wednesday night we had a big dinner with all the trainees and quite a few current volunteers. We were warned not to show up to the ceremony hungover, if we were we would not be walking up on stage to swear-in. Luckily I was not tempted by the drink because I am trying to get over a cold that has just been wearing me out. Thursday we all woke early to dress in our best and head to the ceremony, we had to arrive at 9:30, the ceremony started at 11am. The ceremony was amazing. I wished my parents could be there to see me succeed in this and be proud, but my host mom was there so that helped. People from our group learned traditional dances and songs to perform on stage and four people gave speeches in Romanian and Russian. I didn't do any of these because the practices were after long Hubsite days and I always wanted to go home and hang out with my host family, especially towards the end of training when time was becoming precious. I instead took pictures of everyone performing. We were all called onto the stage though and swore-in in front of everybody, it was a bit emotional for me. I still can't believe I am doing this. After the ceremony we had a meal and then left for our sites. It was sad to leave everybody but it was nice to climb into a car, kick off my heels and rest for the hour and a half drive to Elizaveta, my home for the next two years. Besides, I will be back in Chisinau with everyone in less than a week for Thanksgiving.(I will post pictures later when I am in the city witha faster internet connection)

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