Friday, December 22, 2006

I Finally Remember!!!!

It only took a whole month of walking home in the dark before I finally remembered to bring my headlamp with me when I leave the house. Two nights ago was the first night and boy were my ankles and shoes glad. When I was walking home without a headlamp I usually couln't see a single thing, there are no street lights off the main road. I had to feel my way with my feet praying not to step in cow pies, old burn piles, or holes. Some people have porch lights but they don't help at all. Instead of lighting up the ground at all they seem to hit me directly in the eye so I can't make out a single thing except blinding light. Every once in while I would come upon a wandering dog that would startle me or a teen couple making out. But without street lights the stars are amazing. You can see them all and every once in a while I have a moon to help light the way. But I am happy to know now that we have just hit the winter solstice and days should be getting longer now. Let's just hope I keep remembering my headlamp until the days are actually longer.

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